Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Ocd
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Ocd
OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, is defined as a condition in which the sufferer has uncontrollable thoughts or behaviors that may or may not be harmful to self or others. Many a times, these compulsions are for minor activities such as washing hands or checking locks etc. The person always feels an urge to repeat the act over and over again.
Ayurveda has described the manas (mind) and its vishayas (i.e. the areas of handling) in details. Many manasika rogas (Psychological conditions) are described in the classics, where there is an absolute impairment of manas (mind), budhi (cognition), samjnaa jnaana (orientation), smriti (memory), bhakti (desire), sheela (habits), cheshta (action), achara (rituals) etc. either individually or as a whole. OCD is a deviation of the manasika bhaavas like dhee, dhriti etc. in a manner that extent that affects day to day life.
It can be correlated with the entity Atatvabhinivesha. ‘Atatva’ means ‘non-existent’, abhinivesha means ‘stubborn’ nature or ‘strict adherence’. So Atatvabhinivesha collectively refers as a ‘condition where the person believes in all the factors which does not exist or which are in fact not correct’. Or everytime the individual will be in confusion to accept the truth.3
The disease is found more often in individuals with the heena or alpa bala(low resilience) of satva (mind). Any bad activity, physical, mental or verbal termed as prajna-paradhacan be a cause for the condition.

Causes Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Ocd
OCD generally affects adults, adolescents, and children across the globe. Mostly, it is found in people below the age of 35.
The exact causes of OCD are not known, but some risk factors are:
- Genetics: Studies have shown people with close relatives with OCD are at a higher risk for developing OCD themselves.
- Brain Structure and Functioning: By using imaging techniques, it is understood that people with OCD have some structural differences in their brain.
- Environment: Past experiences of any abuse (physical or sexual) or any other trauma increases the risk of OCD.
Symptoms Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Ocd
Generally, people having OCD might show symptoms of either obsessions, or compulsions, or both.
Common symptoms of Obsessions, include:
- Unsubstantiated fear of germs
- Feeling upset if things are not in a particular order
- Unfounded fear regarding breaking of rituals
- Self-aggression in thoughts
Common symptoms of compulsions, include :
- Overdoing of things like cleaning /hand washing
- Continuously checking the same things- like locks on doors
- Counting things over and over again
Some individuals with OCD may show a ‘tic’. ‘Tics’ are sudden, brief, repetitive movements, of the body or its parts like eyes blinking, nose twitching, shoulder jerks etc.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Ocd
This includes the three components of chikitsa such as yukti vyapasraya (medications), daiva vyapasraya (chanting and meditation) and satvavachaya chikitsa (psychotherapy). In the first entity, aushada, ahara, vihara are properly administered as per the assessed dosha status of the condition. Here either of the sodhana chikisa or shamana chikitsa are recommended
Diet Recommendations (Aahar)
A wholesome healthy diet should be adhered to for mental health and happiness.
Satvavajaya chikitsa (Counseling, mental hygiene) may have a beneficial role in management of phobias. Intellect promoting or Medhya drugs such as Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Linn.), Yastimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra Linn.), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia
Lifestyle Changes (Vihar)
- Healthy behavior and lifestyle influences the better mental balance