Common Childhood Problems


Constipation is nothing but difficulty in passing or infrequent passing of stool, hardness of stool, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Often experienced by majority of children due to various underlying causes or improper eating habits. Getting early releif from constipation with the help of Ayurveda may save your child from other major problems.

ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare
ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare

Recurrent Cough, Cold, Flu

This is one of the most common problems of childhood. Children with low immunity often suffer from this type of problems. Even a minor exposure to changes in the climate or surrounding environment causes these children to catch the infection. Recurrent attacks or episodes of the condition can be fully controlled with the help of Ayurveda and children can lead a normal life again with better immunity.

Loss of Appetite

It is almost impossible to say that No mother of a child has complained about this problem ever. This is the root cause of all other diseases. Children with loss of appetite don’t eat properly and lead to conditions like Malnutrition. Finding out the cause is important. Helping hand of Ayurveda lets children recover fast from such problems.

ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare
ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare

Abdominal Pain / Worm Infestation

The Most common cause for missing the school is Abdominal pain and the most common cause behind this abdominal pain is Worm infestation. Little children play all day long and are exposed to poor hygeinic conditions which lead to Worm Infestation in them. Deworming with Ayurveda helps them to get releif from this recurrent abdominal pain and also saves them from consequences of worm infestation.

Teething Problems

Children in the age group from 6 omnths to one and half years of age suffer a lot from this problem. While having teeth for first time, children usually suffer from fever, vomoting and diarrhoea. Hence, they are exposed to Antibiotics and other medicines. This journey of teething can be made smooth with the help of Ayurveda.

ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare
ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare

Chronic Asthma / Bronchitis / Rhinitis / Sinusitis

Children often sufferr from the Upper and Lower Respiratory tract infections while growing up due to various reasons like Allergy or Low Immunity. Ayurveda recommends medicines for strengthening of the whole Respiratory System. Hence, avoiding the repeated attacks of such conditions.


Children nowdays have become much more irritable. Its not because they may be Stubborn, but this may be the prodormal symptom of an upcoming mental or psychiatric condition. Reducing this irritability of their mind and allowing them to have peace and stability is quite possible with an Ayurvedic approach.

ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare
best ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare


Headache has been one of the most common symptom complained about by these paediatric population. This may arise as a single symptom or in combination with some others or as a disease itself. Evaluation and management of Headache with Ayurveda is impressive.

Conjunctivitis / Eye Disorders

People keep asking for solutions for various Eye related complaints of their children. Very few know about the effective management of Eye disorders in Ayurveda, which have been there in practice since ancient ages.

best ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare
best ayurvedic doctor in pune - Dr. Arvind Mehare

Low Immunity Disorders

Children with low immunity problem repeatedly fall pray to various diseases, that too for longer period of time. They also face problemes like delayed recovery or other complications of the disease. Immunobooster programmes like Suvarna Bindu Prashan are mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts and are also run successfully in our hospital too.